Friday 1 June 2012

Strike action has been averted at a Tyneside secondary school after governors decided it will not become an academy

Article on (1 June 2012)

"NUT members at Boldon School, South Tyneside, had been preparing to walk out for three days in the week following half term.

They were opposed to proposals by the school to move towards academy status and made the difficult decision to vote in favour of strike action in a ballot, in an effort to prevent a conversion.
NUT representatives worked closely with colleagues from the NASUWT, which also has members at the school, to voice members’ concerns and opposition to the proposals put forward by the school’s management.
The governing body of Boldon School met yesterday evening (May 31st) and decided not to proceed to the next stage towards conversion. The NUT has now called off its planned strike action.
Jill McManus, Secretary of South Tyneside NUT, said: “The campaign was a real team effort. We had 100% support for action from NUT members and we campaigned together with the NASUWT and our local Public Services Alliance.

“A key part of the campaign was our work with governors, providing support for those who opposed academy status by giving them the facts and evidence they needed to strengthen their arguments and challenge pro-academy opinions."

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1 comment:

  1. A good result, schools must realise that if the staff aren't behind it, the children will suffer. Parents need to support staff in making the decision to strike as it affects us too but knowing implications of academy status parents and staff should be working together to stop this negative step.
